
Who am I? Absolutely no one special that’s who. Yet here I am to share my life with whoever wants to read it. I’m a mom, married to a man of almost twenty years. I’ve dedicated my life to work and my family and yet have little to show of it other than a body riddled with problems and diseases. Is life easy? Heck no.. but is it worth it? Absolutely yes. I’m hoping that maybe if I share my story, it may at some point resonate with someone else and then they can say hey if she can do it why not me. And the truth of the matter is anyone can live their life to the fullest. It doesn’t matter what you believe in, trust me I’ll show you that, or what you eat, been there done that, how hard you exercise, yup tried that too, or how healthy you are. Sometimes life sneaks up and smacks you dead in the face with the big C word and you can either rise to the challenge and enjoy the life you have or give up. Quiet frankly I’ve never been the quitting kind and I hope you aren’t either. But beware, I’m an open book but it may not be what you are wanting to read. I’m not here to give life advice make you turn to god or make you chant nonsense. All I’m really here for is to speak my truth and maybe you may just get a good chuckle out of it. So if you feel like reading some nonsense here and there, laughing at my stupidity, maybe crying with me occasionally about how unfair life is at some point, and then continuing on with your day then I hope you show up and read with me. If not, no hard feelings. I get it, I probably wouldn’t end up reading your stories either.